First of all, over Semana Santa (Holy Week..when i had over a week of vacation from school), Kelly, Noel, and I had a lovely, relaxing vacation in Mallorca. We had a great time- exactly what we needed! ... We ate in Huertas at another one of my favorite restaurants, Maceiras, which has amazing Galician food! Then, we walked to Banco de Espana/Cibeles and then continued to Retiro, where we walked around and rented a row boat for 45 mins, rowing around the lake. ...
estate quieto y ven aquí. Eres como un ni?o, grande. Manejando un tanque, de papel. Di que todo esto, tan solo es un vendaval, y me hare cometa. Di que todo esto, tan solo es una cancion, y caere rendida. No se porque, me gusta asi, ...